Why Do LED Light Bulbs Burn Out So Quickly?

You are using LED bulbs in your home and do you complain that it burns out so quickly? Or did the old type bulbs last longer? Many consumers share similar experiences with you. Let’s take a closer look at the reason for this.

Why Do LED Light Bulbs Burn Out So Quickly?

You are using LED bulbs in your home and do you complain that it burns out so quickly? Or did the old type bulbs last longer? Many consumers share similar experiences with you. Let’s take a closer look at the reason for this.

Old type bulbs known as incandescent lamps have a lifespan of approximately 1,000 hours. In laboratory conditions, the life of LEDs (LED only) is 50 or 100 times longer than the life of old type bulbs. That is, the LED can work for 50,000 – 100,000 hours without fail.

Incandescent light bulb has basically only one component called filament. The mains voltage is applied directly to this filament. This causes it to warm up and shine. LED bulbs are more complex than incandescent bulbs. In LED bulbs, a separate electronic circuit (constant current LED driver) is used to power LEDs that act as light sources under favorable conditions.

Since many LED bulbs basically overheat, it fails in less time than the estimated life of the LED. While this is sometimes a problem with product design, it can sometimes be due to its usage.

Keeping the driving current on LEDs high and inadequate cooling design are two common design problems. In both cases, the LEDs reach temperatures above the limits set by the manufacturer, and as a result, the probability of failure increases.

When the LED bulb is installed in a narrow space without air circulation or in a closed fixture, overheating problem may occur. In this way, warming also increases the probability of failure.

The other reason for the LED bulbs to burn out in a short time other than LED is that the driver circuit design is weak. To meet the low price expectation, manufacturers sometimes use inexpensive components that last a short time in their products. The 100,000-hour LED, powered by a 10,000-hour circuit, cannot of course meet the expected life. Even if the LEDs do not malfunction, the driver circuit may break the current and cause the lamp to stop working.

The life expectancy of the product has been calculated in the LED bulbs of reliable manufacturers in the market and this value is on the box. This life span is generally between 15,000 – 25,000 hours.

LED bulbs with yellow wires (actually a small LED array), known as LED filaments, generally have a shorter lifetime.

Emre Yılmaz, the founder of Lighting Portal, graduated from Atılım University Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in 2013, and since then has been involved in the management and product development activities of state-supported projects in the lighting industry. He completed his master's degree at Gazi University Industrial Design Engineering Department and continues his education in the doctorate program of the same department.
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